Monday, 19 October 2009

Semaine du Goût

To mark 'La Semaine du Goût' (taste week) we invited the children from the local primary school to come and taste bread and to learn about how we make it.

The children around the 'petrin' looking at different flours and the grains that they come from.

We all tasted four different breads - white, whole-wheat, rye and Kamut.

There were lots of questions and discussions about who preferred which bread and what were the differences in taste.

Tuesday, 29 September 2009


Cultural_Capital is a touring artwork that accumulates bacteria and cultural capital from every venue in which it is installed...

Here are some photos of the starter's time at 3pp...

It has now returned to Glorius Ninth...

Monday, 21 September 2009

International Day of Peace

To mark the international day of peace we made dove shaped biscuits.

The money raised was for an Association called ImaginaCtion
which itself raises money for children who have been the victims of war.

Monday, 20 April 2009


hot cross buns for easter and some viennoiseries fresh from the oven...

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Tuesday, 27 January 2009

semaine de vacance

trois petits pains...

fermé exceptionellement
la semaine du 23 février

reprend le mardi 3 mars